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Freiburg i. Ü. 1977

15. Zweijahrestagung of the DGIR


Internationalrechtliche Probleme multinationaler Korporationen

Leeres Sammelalbum


 Table of contents

Luzius Wildhaber, Multinational Corporations and International Law, pp. 7-72

Bernhard Großfeld, Multinational Corporations in International Tax Law, pp. 73-168

Otto Sandrock, Multinational Corporations in Conflict of Laws, pp. 169-262

Rolf Birk, Multinational Corporations in International Labour Law, pp. 263-370


Freiburg i. Ü. 1977

15. Zweijahrestagung der DGIR

Issue 18

International Law Problems of Multinational Corporations

Luzius Wildhaber, Bernhard Großfeld, Otto Sandrock, Rolf Birk (Verf.)

C.F. Müller 1978

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