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Trier 1991

22. Zweijahrestagung of the DGIR


Umweltschutz im Völkerrecht und Kollisionsrecht

Leeres Sammelalbum


 Table of contents

Philip Kunig, State Obligations from Neighbourly Relations Law Concerning Environmental Rinsks and Damages, pp. 9-56

Winfried Lang, Combating long-range-threats to the environment especially through international organizations, pp. 57-86

Rainer Lagoni, The Prevention of Dangers for the Marine Environment, pp. 87-158

Rudolf Dolzer, Responsibility and Liability for Environmental Damages, pp. 195-244

Karl Kreuzer, Environmental disturbance and environmental damage, Environmental pollution in the context of Private International Law, pp. 245-314

Haimo Schack, International Civil Procedures in Environmental Disputes, pp. 315-358


Trier 1991

22. Zweijahrestagung der DGIR

Issue 32

Environmental Protection in Public International Law and Private International Law

Rudolf Dolzer, Karl Kreuzer, Philip Kunig, Rainer Lagoni, Winfried Lang, Haimo Schack (Verf.)

C.F. Müller 1992

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