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Kiel 1999

26th Biennial Conference of the DGIR


Public and Private International Law in a Globalizing International System - Effects of Denationalization of Transnational Legal Relations

Leeres Sammelalbum


 Table of contents

Klaus Dicke, Globalization and International Law, Phenomena and Effects on Universal and Regional Levels of the International System including Countervailing Tendancies of Renationalization, pp. 13-44

Waldemar Hummer, International Non-Governmental Organizations in the Era of Globalization, pp. 45-230

Daniel Girsberger, The Privatization of the Peaceful Settlement of Disputes, pp. 231-266

Katharina Boele-Woelki, Internet and Private International Law, Where does one become caught in the Net?, pp. 307-352

Christoph Engel, The Internet and the Nation State, pp. 353-426

Jochen Abr. Frowein, Constitutionalization of International Law, pp. 427-448


Kiel 1999

26th Biennial Conference der DGIR

Issue 39

Public and Private International Law in a Globalizing International System - Effects of Denationalization of Transnational Legal Relations

Klaus Dicke, Waldemar Hummer, Daniel Girsberger, Katharina Boele-Woelki, Christoph Engel, Jochen Abr. Frowein (authors)

C.F. Müller 2000

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