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Growing religious antagonisms are challenging the ultimate goal of ‘living together’ in peaceful societies. Living together explores international law responses, beginning with their historic roots, before the perspective shifts to the role of religious institutions and religious law. Contributions of different human rights bodies are analyzed, before further sections deal with the international protection of religion, the relationship between religious beliefs and freedom of expression, and the roles of other individual rights.

Religion and International Law originates from the long-standing cooperation between the German and the French Societies of International Law, thus bringing together the traditions of French laicism and a cooperative German approach. Experts from Austria, Italy, Poland, Portugal and the UK complement the pan-European perspective.

Publication on the conference

Diese Publikation ist aus der gemeinsamen Tagung der SFDI und der DGIR vom 3.11.2006 bis 4.11.2006 in Nizza hervorgegangen. Thema der Tagung war: 'Völkerrecht und Unterschiedlichkeit der Rechtskulturen - Droit international et diversité des cultures juridiques'.

International Law and Diversity of Legal Cultures

Droit international et diversité des cultures juridiques

Société Française pour le Droit International (Hrsg.)

A. Pedone 2008

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