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- Andreas L. Paulus, The interplay of legal sources from a public international law perspective
- Nina Dethloff, Interaction of legal sources from a private law perspective
- Thomas Giegerich, International Standards – From an International Law Perspective
- Ingeborg Schwenzer, Hybridization of legal systems – International civil law standards
- Heike Krieger, Immunity: Development and actuality as a legal concept
- Andreas R. Ziegler, Immunity of States – with special consideration of the practice in Switzerland
- Stefan Talmon, Immunity of State Officials
- Haimo Schack, Access to assets of potentates – between enforcement immunity and victim protection
Lucerne 2013
Hybridization of Legal Systems
13.3.2013 - 16.3.2013
Vorstand: Daniel Thürer, Dagmar Coester-Waltjen, Georg Nolte
biennial conference
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