Umweltschutz im Völkerrecht und Kollisionsrecht, Issue 32
Rudolf Dolzer, Karl Kreuzer, Philip Kunig, Rainer Lagoni, Winfried Lang, Haimo Schack, C.F. Mueller, Heidelberg 1992
- Philip Kunig, State Obligations from Neighbourly Relations Law Concerning Environmental Rinsks and Damages, S. 9-56Thesen
- Winfried Lang, Combating long-range-threats to the environment especially through international organizations, S. 57-86Thesen
- Rainer Lagoni, The Prevention of Dangers for the Marine Environment, S. 87-194Thesen
- Rudolf Dolzer, Responsability and Liability for Environmental Damages, S. 195-244Thesen
- Karl Kreuzer, Environmental disturbance and environmental damage, Environmental pollution in the context of Private International Law, S. 245-314Thesen
- Haimo Schack, International Civil Procedures in Environmental Disputes, S. 315-358Thesen