March 2017
35th Biennial Conference of the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationales Recht
15th March 2017, 3:00pm – 18th March 2017, 12:00pm
November 2016
Joint conference of the DGIR and the SFDI: Religion and international law - La religion et le droit international
4th November 2016, 2:00pm – 5th November 2016, 6:00pm
Organised by DGIR und SFDI
March 2015
34th Conference of the German Society of International Law
11th March 2015 – 15th March 2015
March 2013
33rd Conference of the German Society of International Law
13th March 2013 – 16th March 2013
October 2012
Immunities in an Age of Global Constitutionalism
26th October 2012, 2:00pm – 27th October 2012, 5:00pm
Organised by DGIR und SFDI
March 2012
Demokratie - Wandel - kollektive Sicherheit: Das Völkerrecht ein Jahr nach dem Umbruch in der arabischen Welt
23rd March 2012, 9:00am – 24th March 2012, 4:00pm
Organised by DGIR und AjV
October 2010
Les Pratiques Comparées du Droit International en France et en Allemagne
14th October 2010, 2:00pm – 15th October 2010, 6:00pm
Organised by DGVR und SFDI
October 2008
Das Recht auf Leben / Le droit à la vie
10th October 2008, 1:15pm – 11th October 2008, 6:00pm
Organised by DGVR und SFDI